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Living by His Standard

We are an undenominational community of believers in Corrigan, TX.

Living by His Standard

We are an undenominational community of believers in Corrigan, TX.

Our Mission

To Teach and Edify

God desires all men to be saved. We carefully teach people to obey God and grow into mature Christians by the Word.
(Eph 4:15; 
I Tim 2:4; Rom 1 :16-17)

To Glorify God

We seek to glorify God by submitting to His authority and doing what He has given us to do.  (Ephesians 3:20-21)

To Reach Heaven

God has prepared an eternal home for us. We stress obedience to Him in all things and the eternal ramifications of our choices.
(Matthew 25)

Our Mission

To Teach and Edify

God desires all men to be saved. We carefully teach people to obey God and grow into mature Christians by the Word.
(Eph 4:15; 
I Tim 2:4; Rom 1 :16-17)

To Glorify God

We seek to glorify God by submitting to His authority and doing what He has given us to do.  (Ephesians 3:20-21)

To Reach Heaven

God has prepared an eternal home for us. We stress obedience to Him in all things and the eternal ramifications of our choices.
(Matthew 25)

Simply Worship

Our assemblies are simple just as the New Testament describes.

What should I expect?

We will never single you out in our assemblies. We are simply glad you are here and want you to feel like the honored guest you are. Expect a warm greeting and friendly faces.

We also solicit nothing from you. While a collection is taken from the members every Sunday as commanded in I Corinthians 16:1-2, this is the responsibilty of the members here alone and is a free will offering according to each person’s heart.


1. Our Worship Style

Simple. We are committed to doing only what we find authority for in the New Testament. As a result our worship is very simple as it was in the 1st century churches.

2. We Sing

Paul tells us in Ephesians 5 to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord. All of our singing is congregational and non-instrumental. We simply sing.

3. We Pray

Paul tells the Thessalonians to “pray without ceasing”. Our assemblies will have several times of prayer with a leader directing our minds. We simply speak to our Lord and King.

4. We Teach

We are here to exhort each other to love and good works. As a result every assembly has time dedicated to exhortation from the Bible as is commanded in Hebrews 10. A simple sermon from God’s word.

5. We Take the Lord's Supper

Paul tells the saints to partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of the week in I Corinthians 11. This supper commemorates Jesus dying for us, being raised on the third day, and ascending on high to the Father’s right hand fifty days later. Every week we simply commemorate our Lord.

Frequently Asked Questions

What denomination is the Corrigan church?

We are not affiliated with any denomination.

Initially when Jesus created the church there was only one church (Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:4). As the years went by there were more and more people leaving the authority of the scriptures and one of the largest departures was the Catholic church. Then as the Catholic church grew in it’s abuses and the word of God was becoming more available, there was the protestant reformation that led to a splintering into various religious groups or denominations. Now the intention was good in that they wanted to go back to the bible, but the efforts fell short in going back to the one church Jesus established.

Now, for the church in Corrigan, we are not connected with any denomination – we are undenominational (we don’t believe or approve of any denominations). In the scriptures division was strongly rebuked (1 Corinthians 1:10-13) and they were to stop following men and only follow Christ. So, we are only christians. We simply take the word of God (Luke 8:11 – Seed) and what comes from that is only christians (Plant – 1 Peter 1:22-23). We have no creeds except the bible, no name but Christian, no headquarters but Heaven, and we do not follow the traditions of men, only the authority of the New Testament.

How is the Corrigan church governed?

We have no organization larger or smaller than the local church.

There are no levels of oversight for our church. We are a self-governing body of Christians that submit to Christ’s authority as revealed in the New Testament.

Christ is the head of the worldwide church (Ephesians 1:22-23), and of each local church. With him as the head we strive to follow the first century pattern for their local organization which consisted of elders (pastors or shepherds) (Acts 14:23), deacons (special servants) (Philippians 1:1), and evangelists (2 Timothy 4:5). The shepherd’s job is to lead, feed, and protect the flock (Acts 20:28). The role of deacon is to be serve and lead over specific physical things in order to leave the elders to do their job (Acts 6:1-6). Finally, the evangelist is involved in the feeding of the flock, being a leader in evangelism, and being an example for the congregation.

How does the Corrigan church view the Bible?

We believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God.

God has had a process of revealing his word through man for thousands of years. We here at Milam Street believe the bible to be the completion of that work and understand it be the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 2:13). As such, the New Testament is our standard for all we believe, teach, and practice. The gospel was only given one time for all time (Jude 3) and it equips us for all that we need (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We strive to follow the command of God recorded by Peter in 1 Peter 4:11 where he says “if any man speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.”


We Gather Every Sunday & Wednesday

Our Location

Our building is located at the corner of Eden Street and Highway 287 in Corrigan, TX. If you have need of mailing us something, correspondence can be sent to PO Box 21, Corrigan, TX 75939.


Bible Class – 9:30 AM

Morning Assembly – 10:30 AM 

Evening Assembly – 5:00 PM 


Bible Class – 7 PM

Come Worship With Us!

We would love for you to come worship with us! We look forward to having visitors. Our worship is simple as it was in the New Testament. you will not be singled out in any way, but will certainly be warmly greeted upon your arrival!

Study With Us!

We are always looking for someone to study with. If you have questions, would like to study, or just sit down and pray, we would love to do that with you! Please call 936-398-2269 and our preacher Robert Raif will set a time with you.


We Gather Every Sunday & Wednesday

Our Location

Our building is located at the corner of Eden Street and Highway 287 in Corrigan, TX. If you have need of mailing us something, correspondence can be sent to PO Box 21, Corrigan, TX 75939.


Bible Class – 9:30 AM

Morning Assembly – 10:30 AM 

Evening Assembly – 5:00 PM 


Bible Class – 7 PM

Come Worship With Us!

We would love for you to come worship with us! We look forward to having visitors. Our worship is simple as it was in the New Testament. you will not be singled out in any way, but will certainly be warmly greeted upon your arrival!

Study With Us!

We are always looking for someone to study with. If you have questions, would like to study, or just sit down and pray, we would love to do that with you! Please call 936-398-2269 and our preacher Robert Raif will set a time with you.

Contact Us!

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Skeleton Sermons by Carroll Fink

Brother Fink was the preacher for the church here in Corrigan for nine years, from 1994–2003. He preached from transparencies on an overhead projector. 129 of his sermons have been preserved and can be found here. These bullet point sermons make a great places to start and then flesh out for anyone looking for something to preach.

Skeleton Sermons by Carroll Fink

Brother Fink was the preacher for the church here in Corrigan for nine years, from 1994–2003. He preached from transparencies on an overhead projector. 129 of his sermons have been preserved and can be found here. These bullet point sermons make a great places to start and then flesh out for anyone looking for something to preach.